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Below are some book recommendations that have been helpful for me in my recovery.  If reading is challenging for you right now, consider sharing this list with family and friends.  You may also consider trying audio versions... just be sure to break up the time you listen into 5, 10 or 15-minute increments as a starting point!

the body keeps the score.jpeg
first, we make the beast beautiful.jpeg
the pain management workbook.jpeg
Lost connections.jpeg
the mindfulness key.jpeg
the ghost in my brain'.jpeg
Mind over mood.jpeg
head cases.jpeg
the concussion repair manual.jpeg
the brain that changes itself.jpeg
feel something make something.jpg
my stroke of insight.jpeg
the nature fix.jpeg
Boy on Ice.jpeg
Concussions and our kids.jpeg
Shaken Brain.jpg
Sex with a brain injury.jpeg
The invisible kingdom.jpeg
the ladys handbook.jpg
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